Lake Echo, Nova Scotia, Canada
Current Weather Conditions at Amateur Radio Station VE1DX
This page updates every 5 minutes
Last Refresh Thursday, 07 Nov 2024 - 09:30 am (09:30) AST
Thursday, 07 Nov 2024 - 01:30 pm (13:30) UTC
Outside Temp |
8.6°C |
47.4°F |
Apparent Temperature |
7.6°C |
45.8°F |
Dewpoint |
6.0°C |
42.8°F |
Humidity |
84% |
84% |
Barometer |
1010.8 mbar |
29.848 inHg |
Barometer Trend (3 hours) |
0.0 mbar |
0.001 inHg |
Altimeter |
1010.8 mbar |
29.850 inHg |
0 km/h from N/A (N/A) |
0 mph (0 knots) |
Rain Rate |
0.00 cm/h |
0.00 in/h |
This station reports what it "feels like" using Apparent Temperature instead of Wind Chill, Heat Index, and
Humidex. This provides a more comprehensive and streamlined measure of how the weather feels, incorporating
factors like temperature, humidity, and wind into a single, easy-to-understand value.
For traditionalists, it's safe to say that the Apparent Temperature essentially reflects the Wind Chill during
colder months and aligns closely with the Humidex in warmer periods, offering a familiar reference point while
incorporating modern meteorological understanding.
High Temperature
12.5°C (54.5°F) at 12:00 am
Low Temperature
6.3°C (43.4°F) at 03:38 am
High Apparent Temperature
12.0°C (53.6°F) at 12:11 am
Low Apparent Temperature
5.3°C (41.5°F) at 03:38 am
High Humidity
94% at 04:24 am
Low Humidity
82% at 12:00 am
High Dewpoint
9.5°C (49.1°F) at 12:00 am
Low Dewpoint
5.2°C (41.3°F) at 03:33 am
High Barometer
1011.4 mbar (29.867 inHg) at 08:49 am
Low Barometer
1008.1 mbar (29.768 inHg) at 12:00 am
Today's Rain |
0.00 cm (0.00 in) |
High Rain Rate |
0.00 cm/h (0.00 in/h) at 12:00 am |
High Wind
13 km/h (8 mph) from 005° at 12:00 am
Average Wind
0 km/h (0 mph)
RMS Wind
1 km/h (1 mph)
Vector Average Speed
0 km/h (0 mph)
Vector Average Direction
004° (N)
Minimum temperature |
-3.2°C (26.2°F) on
04 Nov at 06:21 am
Maximum temperature |
21.4°C (70.6°F) on
06 Nov at 02:56 pm
High Apparent Temperature
23.4°C (74.2°F) at 06 Nov at 02:50 pm
Low Apparent Temperature
-5.8°C (21.5°F) at 04 Nov at 06:21 am
Maximum dewpoint
16.2°C (61.2°F) on 06 Nov at 02:38 pm
Minimum dewpoint
-5.3°C (22.5°F) on 04 Nov at 12:16 am
Max 10-min avg wind |
17 km/h (10 mph) from the
NNW on
01 Nov at 11:40 pm
Highest gust |
29 km/h (18 mph) on 02 Nov at 12:00 am
Highest daily rain |
0.44 cm (0.17 in) on 05 Nov
Monthly rain total |
0.46 cm (0.18 in)
Days that it rained |
Days above 25 C |
Days below 0 C |
Maximum temperature |
35.4°C (95.7°F) at 04:26 pm on 20 Jun 2024
Minimum temperature |
-24.4°C (-11.9°F) at 05:05 am on 04 Feb 2023
High Apparent Temperature
41.2°C (106.1°F) at at 04:02 pm on 20 Jun 2024
Low Apparent Temperature
-30.9°C (-23.5°F) at at 02:50 am on 04 Feb 2023
Maximum dewpoint
25.5°C (77.8°F) on at 03:03 pm on 20 Jun 2024
Minimum dewpoint
-73.3°C (-99.9°F) on at 11:11 pm on 04 Dec 2017
Highest gust |
85 km/h (53 mph) at 07:55 pm on 25 Dec 2017
Highest daily rain |
6.70 cm (2.64 in) on 01 Oct 2015
Maximum barometric pressure |
1050.5 mbar (31.022 inHg) at 08:25 am on 26 Nov 2015
Minimum barometric pressure |
963.5 mbar (28.453 inHg) at 07:35 pm on 07 Sep 2019
Conditions in the Annapolis Valley:
Near Kentville
Current NS power outages:
Interactive map
Historical Lake Echo power interruptions:
Local tide data:
Graphs and tables
Data uploaded to these sites:
Environment Canada weather forecast for Dartmouth
Environment Canada radar loop for Nova Scotia
General Hurricane Tracking Information
Latitude: |
44° 44.28' N |
Longitude: |
063° 22.66' W |
Ground ASL: |
19 metres |
Sensor Suite Above Ground: |
7 metres |
Sensor Suite ASL: |
26 meters |
This station uses a
Davis Vantage Vue VUE, controlled by
a user customized version of an experimental weather software system interpreted by Python
Weewx was designed to be simple, fast, and easy to understand by leveraging modern software concepts.
This software is running on a Raspberry Pi Model 5 using the Arm64 port of the Debian GNU/Linux 12 operating system.
The Integrated Sensor Suite (ISS) transmits sensor data to the base station every 2.5 seconds at a rate of 19.2 kbps.
These data are archived, which enables weewx to perform analytics and update the
website accordingly every 5 minutes.
Weewx uptime: 28 days, 0 hours, 6 minutes
Server uptime: 28 days, 0 hours, 11 minutes
weewx v5.1.0
Console battery: 4.8 V
Remote sensor signal strength: 97%
Start civil twilight: |
06:28:27 |
Sunrise: |
06:59:54 |
Transit: |
11:57:13 |
Sunset: |
16:53:59 |
End civil twilight: |
17:25:25 |
Azimuth: |
142.3° |
Astronomical Altitude: |
20.2° |
Right ascension: |
223.2° |
Declination: |
-16.5° |
Solstice: |
21/12/24 05:20:20 |
Equinox: |
20/03/25 06:01:14 |
Rise: |
12:56:30 |
Transit: |
17:12:17 |
Set: |
21:34:37 |
Azimuth: |
95.5° |
Astronomical Altitude: |
-33.5° |
Right ascension: |
298.4° |
Declination: |
-26.5° |
Full moon: |
15/11/24 17:28:28 |
New moon: |
01/12/24 02:21:22 |
Phase: |
First quarter (33% full) |
Today has 9 hours, 54 minutes, 4 seconds of daylight
2 minutes, 35 seconds
less than yesterday